Promised Land by Adam Reynolds and Chaz Harris

    • Plot Summary: When a young Prince and a farm boy meet in the forest, a growing friendship between them blossoms into love. However, when the Queen re-marries, her sinister new husband seeks control of the enchanted forest and the land the farm boy’s family are responsible for protecting. In a Kingdom where all are considered equal regardless of what they look like or who they love, Promised Land is a brand new fairytale about friendship, responsibility, adventure and love. 

    • Youtube link:

    • This book is definitely on the longer side and has a more complicated story. Jack and Leo have a cute love story, simply laid out with no implications that it is abnormal or forbidden. There is another plotline about an evil sorcerer that enchants the queen (who is totally bad-ass with a sword) and yet another plotline about the tree spirit that lives on Jack’s farm. A cool, gay, multiracial fantasy picture book written for slightly older kids.


A Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo by Jill Twiss


Santa’s Husband by Daniel Kibblesmith