About Me!
My name is Emma Bouchey and I am getting my college degree in Sociology and Education (and Spanish, though that’s less relevant for this project) at Bates College.
101 LGBTQ Picture Books was born from an open ended, short assignment in my psychology and education class,
The Power of Picture Books, taught by Prof. Krista Aronson (co-founder of the Diverse Book Finder). I intended to make a short, 10-book LGBTQ booklist (which is, indeed, what the assignment asked for), but instead I decided to read every LGBTQ book I could get my hands on (thus neatly side-stepping the problem of choosing which books to include). My list grew and grew until it became the lovely 101+ books you see here!
I hope that this tool is useful for teachers, librarians, educators, and anyone hoping to share an inclusive LGBTQ picture book with a child special to you!