Prince and Knight by Daniel Haack

    • Plot Summary: In this modern fairy tale, a noble prince and a brave knight come together to defeat a terrible monster and in the process find true love in a most unexpected place. "Thank you," he told his parents. "I appreciate that you tried, but I'm looking for something special in a partner by my side." Once upon a time, in a kingdom far from here, there was a prince in line to take the throne, so his parents set out to find him a kind and worthy bride. The three of them traveled the land far and wide, but the prince didn't quite find what he was looking for in the princesses they met.While they were away, a terrible dragon threatened their land, and all the soldiers fled. The prince rushed back to save his kingdom from the perilous beast and was met by a brave knight in a suit of brightly shining armor. Together they fought the dragon and discovered that special something the prince was looking for all along.

    • Youtube link:

    • Prince’s parents want him to get married and show him a bunch of princesses, none of whom the prince falls in love with. Then, when a dragon comes to destroy the kingdom, Prince races back to fight and together with the help of Knight (who appears to be a person of color), defeats the dragon. The two fall in love and get married. This one I thought was better done than King and King (see final section), although it falls into that same, instant acceptance trap.


Prince Henry by Olly Pike


Maiden and Princess by Daniel Haack and Isabel Galupo