The Paper Bag Princess by Robert Munsch

    • Plot Summary: When the fiercest dragon in the whole world smashes Princess Elizabeth’s castle, burns all her clothes, and captures her fiancé, Prince Ronald, Elizabeth takes matters into her own hands. With her wits alone and nothing but a paper bag to wear, the princess challenges the dragon to show his strength in the hopes of saving the prince. But is it worth all that trouble? Readers the world-over have fallen in love with this classic story of girl power. 

    • Youtube link:

    • This story takes the traditional knight-save-princess-from-dragon fairytale and flips the gender roles. However, Elizabeth still uses the feminine-coded wits rather than masculine-coded strength to defeat the dragon. That said, this is still a fun gender-bending fairytale and kids will find it hilarious that Elizabeth goes through all that trouble to defeat a dragon and then skips happily off into the sunset by herself after the prince turns out to be a jerk.


Eleanor Wyatt, Princess and Pirate by Rachael MacFarlane


Sparkle Boy by Lesléa Newman